Serendipität bewegt die Welt

Interessantes aus dem Internet und ein paar eigene Gedanken

It might be slow now, but that can only improve...


Dropbox limits free users to 3 devices. RIP Dropbox!


Google's Compute Engine has calculated the most digits of Pi ever, setting a new world record: 31.4 trillion digits. And a musician creates a million hours song from Pi.


Die amerikanische Softwareentwicklerin Simone Seagle verwandelt Kunstwerke von Monet, Klee und Kandinsky in interaktive Animationen.


Tim Cook: "35 years ago, Macintosh said hello. It changed the way we think about computers and went on to change the world. We love the Mac, and today we’re proud that more people than ever are using it to follow their passions and create the future."
